09 – Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does TentPlanner Cost?

For CoverMarque clients there is no annual subscription charge for the first year, and we would just ask for an annual contribution towards development costs of £250 + VAT from the second year onwards. 

If we do not currently insure you, please click here to email us for further information 

We supply a bespoke structure, can this be added to TentPlanner?

Yes, our designers can create the bespoke structure for you.  We will require the 2d dimensions and if its not a simple rectangle then also please provide a diagram.

If you require any additional furniture to be created, we can provide you with a quote.

Can I upload and add my own equipment to the console?

Yes, if you know how to use Adobe Illustrator or a similar design feature you can upload your own equipment. The equipment image will need to be uploaded in an SVG format. 

If you do not have access to creating your own graphics, please let us know and we can provide you with a quote. 

How do I create a pre-designed layout?

  1. To create a new Pre-configured layout first create a plan in your tool
  2. Take a screenshot of the plan, paste it into a graphics package e.g. Microsoft Paint, and save this as a PNG – (this will be used later as the layout’s menu image)
  3. “Submit” the plan to yourself and copy the save URL. You will need to paste this URL link into the layout Link box when creating the layout.
  4. Log in to your Partner CMS and select the top item in the menu on the left side, add click “Add new Layout”

I have lost my partner console login information.

To login to the Partner console (Content Management System – CMS) please go to :  https://partners.tentplanner.co.uk  

If you require a new access password, please email us at info@tentplanner.co.uk

Can I add an extra bay to my Frame Marquee layout?

Yes, if your guests have already created a layout and you decide to add an additional bay for more space you can drag the bottom right had corner to add more bays. 

Can I use TentPlanner on a mobile device or iPad?

No, TentPlanner is not designed to run on a mobile or iPad device. 

Can I save my plan as a PDF?

This not currently not a feature that TentPlanner offers, however it is noted for the next stage of development